
Cloudistry (Master thesis)
Web-based platform for connecting generic services wrapped inside a docker container. Main focus is to integrate and connect machines from the industry a flow-like interacting model like BPMN to produce graphs which represent workflows. Multiple cloud providers like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, ... are supported for deploying the containers. The communication of the services are based on the messaging infrastructure with Apache Kafka.

InformatiCup 2017 (2nd place winner)
Competition of the German Association for Computer Science. This year’s InformatiCup challenge is dedicated to the new possibilities that arise based on the application of artificial intelligence and repository mining - based on the social coding platform GitHub. The challenge was to develop an automatic repository classifier of github repositories. The competion was cooperating with GitHub and Amazon.

OWL (Web Ontology Language) represents ontologies with a formal language. Together with the visual representation VOWL it can be used to visualize connected data.

VITA (Visual Analytics for Narrative Text)
The study of novels and the analysis of their plot, characters and other entities are time-consuming and complex tasks in literary science. The digitization of literature and the proliferation of electronic books provide new opportunities to support these tasks with visual abstractions. Methods from the fields of computational linguistics can be used to automatically extract entities and their relations from digitized novels, which can then be visualized to ease exploration and analysis tasks.